
You + 8 Billion Humans

From war, to shootings, to unrest and suffering, we need to come together and heal as one people.

You can do this alone or in a group.

A person meditating.
Photo by madison lavern on Unsplash


During your 5 minutes, you can focus on ...

  • a hopeful and peaceful future for our planet
  • those that are suffering
  • how to better connect with yourself, one another and the planet. 
  • difficulties fellow humans are enduring around the world.
  • our pale-blue dot and humanity's place in the universe.
  • our world's children and what they will inherit.
  • what matters deep down to you and as a world people.

These are suggestions and place to start. Take the time to meditate and/or pray with everyone around the world, as you see fit. Be open to our collective consciousness.

Photo by Kartabya Aryal on Unsplash


A quiet place that is safe and comfortable, anywhere in the world!

Photo by NASA on Unsplash


This is about us, humankind as a whole. This is to explore who we are together for 5 minutes as we travel on starship Earth. This is not to make money or to promote anyone or anything.

Donations and donations sites are not needed. If you see something on GoFundMe or the like for this event, please do not contribute.

Photo by Anway Pawar on Unsplash


Our 5 minutes together is an all inclusive event. Anyone, anywhere, of any religion or practice can take part.

Social Media

Social media can be a powerful tool and hopefully this event reaches many people. During the event itself, do not take photos or videos of your 5 minutes. Connect to us all through our collective consciousness. Use your mind for mediation and prayer rather than making a post for social media.




Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash